On the 20th of December 2018, New South Wales was subject to a severe hail storm, affecting mainly Sydney and the Central Coast.
Izzat received a call from the Facilities Manager of the Oaks Goldsbrough of the extensive hail damage to the roof. Izzat developed a make-safe and temporary weather protection solution using corflute sheets and ‘100 mile per hour tape’.
To the surprise of many the tape withheld the elements of high winds and rain for 18 months, during which time the insurance claim was resolved and an exciting new roof solution has been developed which includes the installation of a solar system to supply power to the building. The works are commencing this month, August 2020, and the contractor is Paynton Dixon. We will provide an update in the new year at completion of this project.
Right: Hail Storm damage, Below Left: Tight Crane fit between the Goldsbrough and M Central, Below Left: Birds-eye view of Goldsbrough Roof